
Data Privacy Policy

Last Updated – June 2023, Version 5

TwentyCi is committed to working with all partners, suppliers, and clients to ensure that we:

  • provide appropriate notifications to data subjects;
  • give full and easy effect to data subject rights;
  • achieve high standards of data protection generally; and
  • market responsibly and ethically.

Who are TwentyCi

  • TwentyCi is a UK residential property data and analytics company that provides intelligence which act as purchase triggers, such as moving home, or home improvements. TwentyCi holds the UK’s biggest and richest resource of factual residential property data including the largest, most comprehensive source of homemover and home attribute data, compiled from more than 29 billion qualified data points. We work with advertisers and their agencies to create contextually targeted marketing programmes that achieve cut-through by reaching consumers at the exact moment that they need a company’s product or service, through the best media channel for that individual. For more information visit

How we collect data

  • Data is collected from public domain and open commercially available sources.
  • Data examples include property listings data or property search data.
  • We have over 4,500 data sources and process more 640 bilion pieces of data per year.
  • Due to the large scale and complexity and frequency of data collection, it is disproportionally onerous to notify data subjects at the point of collection of each and every data point. The privacy notice is published at the point of first marketing contact.
  • Data is updated daily.
  • Where you contact us to request to be suppressed, we will store your information such as name, address, telephone number and/or email address to honour this request.

Why we collect your property data

  • We collect data relevant to the home moving process and property attributes so that organisations can provide goods and services that are beneficial to moving home.
  • To honour your request to be suppressed.
  • Services that might be provided could include;
    • Notifying utilities suppliers of a change of occupation for new supply or final meter reading purposes
    • Mortgage finance
    • Broadband services for the household.

Processing notice

  • Is provided as part of the first communication as to notify before would involve “disproportionate effort”.
  • The processing notice links to this website or is referenced directly in mailings.
  • Please note that property data is not personally identifiable information (PII) and does not fall under the auspices of the GDPR.

How long we keep data for

  • We keep data indefinitely for historic analysis of the total property market and property characteristics.
  • Suppression information is kept indefinitely.

How we use and share data

  • Market share analysis in the property market.
  • Provision of communication triggers.
  • Profiling, segmentation, and propensity modelling
  • Aggregated data triggers and insights are shared with our clients for the provision or goods and services pertinent to the home moving process. Our clients are
  • Provision of tailored advertising through Sky TV via Sky Adsmart – If you wish you can opt out of this tailored advertising, to find out how please visit this page on the Sky website.
  • We provide property triggers to Sky TV for the provision of Direct Marketing promoting Sky TV services through the following channels; post, telephone, and email – If you wish you can opt out of these direct marketing campaigns please visit this page on the Sky website.
  • Suppression from marketing activity.
  • We may share your suppression request with our third-party suppliers and our clients so that your request can be honoured. Our clients are

Appendage of personal information (PII) from third party suppliers

  • Names
    • Our clients use your name so that they may personalise their Direct Marketing to you and / or for suppression / matching purposes. The third-party suppliers include:
    • We may also use your name and address to match to online advertisers so that our clients can show you relevant online advertising on webpages while you are browsing the internet. The best way to opt out of this tailored advertising is through the WebChoices platform, here you can see all the cookies on your computer, what they are being used for and opt out of them. Alternatively, you could remove cookies manually through your web browser settings.
    • We may use your name for suppression purposes.
  • Email Address
    • Our clients use your email address so that they may send you email communications and / or for suppression / matching purposes. The third-party suppliers include
    • We may use your email address for suppression purposes.

Your rights as a data subject

  • The right to object to processing / access / rectification etc
  • Click here to enter details
    • Name
    • Address
    • E mail
    • Contact source
    • Date
    • Instructions
    • Data Subject Access Requests