
TwentyCi Property & Homemover Report – Q2 2018

Welcome to the latest edition of the TwentyCi Property & Homemover Report, providing a comprehensive review of the UK property market, created from the most robust residential research and property change sources available.

Our report provides a real-time review of the UK housing market in Q2 2018, covering 99.6% of all sale and rental moves. This property market analysis and state of the nation report provides unique insight into the people behind the numbers, creating a picture of the demographic, regional and socio-economic factors impacting the UK housing market, including:

  • Factual data (not modelled or sentiment-based)
  • Full market coverage
  • Demographic overlay
  • Property sales data
  • Property rental data

UK Property Research Headlines – Q2 2018:

  • Confidence is still building. With new instructions up nearly 7% year on year, house prices remain stable with no significant discounting.
  • Online agents are on the rise. Online estate agents now represent nearly 8% of all exchanges, an increase of 13% from Q1 to Q2.
  • London remains an enigma. London continues to operate its own unique property ecosystem. The average asking price is up 3.1% in Q2, an increase seemingly generated by a lack of available properties.
  • Smaller homes are the biggest sellers. Terraced and semi-detached houses continue to make up the largest proportion of property sales, accounting for over 55% of all exchanges.
  • The Silver Economy is going from strength to strength. Baby boomers’ appetite for property continues unabated, with exchanges up 10% year on year.
  • Realised prices vary by value. A review of 2017 listed prices compared to the price actually achieved shows an average discount of up to 4% for properties sold for less than £1m. The realised value of properties over £1m, however, shows an average discount of 8%.